Some Quotes

"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream"

Monday, March 27, 2017

Wow... People amaze me, how fuckin much hate does there have to be?

So I've been seeing this going around on Facebook... 

With the caption;
"Hell no!!!!! Christians can't pray or have bibles on school grounds, no f***ing muslim shit on school grounds. American Patriot 1776"

They asked so here it goes! I believe that if the 'no church in school' thing is still around then sorry but no. But if they allow Christians and whatnot to preach and pray or whatever in school then yes. It would only be right to let them do their thing as well. Fair is fair people! I'm so sick and tired of all the fucking hate!! Nobody owns the earth man, who are we to say who can or can't be allowed to live freely wherever they damn well please? America was built on the idea of immigrants having a safe and free place to call home. Where you can escape the horrors of poverty or genocide. Where nobody will judge based on religious beliefs right? That's what I always though anyways. Now nobody wants to let some poor refugees in who just want to be able to live in a place where they aren't afraid for their lives every single second of the day. Now we want to ban Muslims from coming in to our country even if they just want to have some surgery done on their poor dying baby that can't be done in their country... We want to build a fucking wall to keep out Mexico and try and make them pay for it?! Wtf man... How fucking dumb is this shit? Fucking pay for it yourself you greedy rich piece of crazy shit! Anyhoo, sorry I got a bit off topic, but yeah I'd be ok with that but like I said only if it would be fair for everyone to express their religion in school. I'd prefer it to remain completely separate though, it just seems so much easier that way. Then nobody has shit to complain about. But of course everybody is going to complain anyway. 
Also heard that Trump dump wants to make it so that the separation of church and state is no longer a thing... Wtf guess he just likes to stir up shit. I really hope that doesn't happen. It would just cause so many more problems that don't even need to be an issue right now. We already got to fix too much that is wrong with our country. I can see it now. It would be just like the old days when everyone killed everyone who don't believe what they believe... Even though that is still happening in some countries. Could you imagine America being all crazy like that? Trump in some pope robes goin around killing everyone who isn't a Christian??!! Holy fuck lol I kinda just wanna get the fuck out and run to Canada before they build a wall to keep us psychos out.

I wrote this rambling thing for some reason. It's kinda emo, my bad.

To my knight in shinning armor, my prince, my savior, my everything; you are the love of my life, my existence:

With a cold note from the lips of death came the light, out from the smoky clouds of my own putrid hell, out from the midst of my own personal purgatory. That misty, sad place. Out from that damp, dingy labyrinth of depression and despair, came my salvation.

I have been finally been forgiven, absolved of all my sins.

I thought this day would never come.

I thought I was soiled, just a walking carcous of diseased flesh. Spreading the polluted sickness of my being wherever I went. Doomed to infect the entire world, everyone and everything I touched.

I was about to end it all. End the hollow, pathetic thing I called an existence. End a dismal life nobody would miss, when I seen it.

The hail of fire and brimstone fell upon me, around me. It speared through me like a thousand firey daggers. I felt warmth for the first time in so long it scared me. I felt my fears dissolving around me as I seen him. A knight in shinning armor all for me.

It was my saviour at last.

You came into my dark and make it our light.

As you held me I heard the sweet song of my release. Release of all pain.

And you held me, ever so tightly, strong enough to keep me.

My watched as my sins were being cast into the deepest, darkest depths of the sea. Into the darkness of the underworld where they will be forever forgotten.

As you gently kissed me I felt the deliverance from all that ignorant sin I had so stupidly committed.

As you gently caressed me I felt absolution for past errors.

As you passionately kissed me I felt protection from all damnation and disgrace.

I have atoned for my filthy ways once again, but this time; this time was different. I was heard, felt, touched. Redemption is in my reach, in near sight. And I will reach with all my might for it. With all that I am or was or ever will be.

I touched it back, touched him back, touched you back with the same warmth he, you, had givin to me. Now I am saved.

My soul is no longer tainted with foul stench of my gastly wrong-doings. The horrid things that I would do to try and make me feel something, anything. Anything at all to help me forget the emptiness. The sorrow.

It's all gone now though, don't worry. I promise, no I swear! I am no longer that person I once hated, that person I once loathed.

I am now who I have wanted to be for so long. Who I once longed to be.

I fell for you. Fell so hard it hurt, even scared me a little.

I love you. It terrified me at first.

I thought I would ruin it. Thought I would just damn you as well, drag you back down alongside me and you would hate me for it. I thought I ruin everything, like always. I was afraid to lose it all. The friendship you so genoursly bestoed upon me. The love you gave me unconditionally.

Then I realized I had nothing to lose, absolutely nothing at all. So I let you in. Into my bruised heart. And to my surprise, you healed it. Just like that, like it was nothing, the simplest you ever had to do.

Your kindness is my bliss. I feel again, for the first time in what seems like forever. I have never experienced such emotion before. It made me love you even more, more than I have ever loved or felt. No longer will I have to make myself numb to survive.

I am changed now. Forever and always.

I swear down to my bones, down to the atoms that make up this woman you see today, I swear I have, I am changed. I am no longer that lonely girl who wanted a new beginning, who needed one.

Because of you. It's all because you, pulling me up from that cryptic, gloomy place. That starless, moonless chasm where the light no longer shown. For that I am eternally greatly.

I thank you, my prince, for bringing me back before it was too late. Before I was engulfed by shady fog of evil, forever lost in the frigid abyss of that bone-chilling nothingness, where I, the sinful, belong.

Even after all is said and done, after it all sank in, I still feel your comforting embrace of the warmth that once save my life. And I still love it. I still need it.

I am forever grateful, forever in your debt and most importantly, forever yours. For all eternity, in this life and the next, in ever reality, every other demention that may or may not exist.

I have no choice but to be yours. It feels that I finally have what I was once searching for. Searching endless without ever finding, and now that I have, I cannot ever live without.

I am nothing without you. So therefore I will have you, and for all endless time you can have me. All of me, as much of me as you can have or take. for as long as you will have me.

I love you, my knight in shining armor, my prince, my savior. You are the love of my life, my existence, you are my everything.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Please just let it go already! Haven't you bitches about it long enough?

Ok I'm not saying I'm a Trump supporter but I'm getting really fucking sick of seeing all the protest shit and bitching about the stupid president! What are you all just on your periods and need something bitch about or bored housewife's that need something to do? I mean shit don't be mad Trump won when the majority of you didn't even get off your ass to vote! You're not helping anything by not doing your part and voting then freaking out when your guy didn't get elected or your measure didn't pass. Plus it's not like we haven't been through all this before or won't have to go through it again. If you really think about it we always get a good president then a bad one, then another good one then another bad one... Its all just rigged to keep the ones really in charge in control anyways... But its done, it's over with, deal with it and for the love of god move on... Like the Rolling Stones said "You can't always get what you want." But I guess if you all really need to feel like your helping, then fuck at least go out and protest shit that actuality needs protesting!!!! There is so much worse going on in the world that us privileges Americans couldn't even imagine... Oh and another thing! Everyone just needs to keep all your opinions on politics and religion to yourself! Its the polite thing to do because it only just starts more shit... I am a pretty open minded person and I respect other's opinions, as long as you aren't hurting anyone you can the think whatever the hell you want. Just don't be trying to push it on everyone, specially me. I do understand where people are coming from with all this, but shit destroying shit ain't gonna help any. It may get attention yeah but we need more than that to do anything about it. We need more people who are actually willing to do more than just stand there with a sign and bitch right? But hey what do I know, I'm just another lazy ass American with all these hopes and dreams about the world becoming a different place...
Thank you and goodnight.


Ok can somebody please explain something to me? How can anybody just want to illegalize abortion without doing the same for war, animal testing or the killing of any animal, be it for food or sport? I just don't get it. How is any life more important than another? Who even has the right to decide this? Why can we justify killing some and not others? It makes no sense to me. So it's perfectly ok to go to war and kill thousands of innocent people, adults and children, just because the leaders don't agree, but God forbit if you abort an unborn life? What's the difference? Why do people go to prison for life if they kill people but not if they kill animals? Why can we kill animals for population control when we as a species are so overpopulated we have to keep destroying every inch of the earth just to make room for more of us? Why don't we put down people who hurt animals but we put down animals who hurt people? A life is a life no matter how different. Animals have feelings too, they can think, they can love and they can hate. It's been proven, but they can't have rights? Even if they have done no harm? Even people in prison have rights. I don't see how any of this is fair. Somehow we can abolish the death penalty for serial killers because taking a life is inhumane, yet we do everyday. Because killing is only bad unless it's war? Why do terrorist get to die but not prisoners? We kill rats because they are "pests" then why aren't serial killers pests? We can experiment on innocent animals, even if it's torture, in the name of science but we can't do it on people? Even if they are death row prisoners and deserve it more than that poor little animal? But no, that would be inhumane. Yet can torture people for information if we think they might be terrorists. Again, what's the difference? Why is it ok for us to eat animals but not for animals to eat us? The government or who ever is in charge let's us kill and torture other people when it bennifits them, when it is convenient for them, but not when it is so for us?