Some Quotes

"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream"

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Please just let it go already! Haven't you bitches about it long enough?

Ok I'm not saying I'm a Trump supporter but I'm getting really fucking sick of seeing all the protest shit and bitching about the stupid president! What are you all just on your periods and need something bitch about or bored housewife's that need something to do? I mean shit don't be mad Trump won when the majority of you didn't even get off your ass to vote! You're not helping anything by not doing your part and voting then freaking out when your guy didn't get elected or your measure didn't pass. Plus it's not like we haven't been through all this before or won't have to go through it again. If you really think about it we always get a good president then a bad one, then another good one then another bad one... Its all just rigged to keep the ones really in charge in control anyways... But its done, it's over with, deal with it and for the love of god move on... Like the Rolling Stones said "You can't always get what you want." But I guess if you all really need to feel like your helping, then fuck at least go out and protest shit that actuality needs protesting!!!! There is so much worse going on in the world that us privileges Americans couldn't even imagine... Oh and another thing! Everyone just needs to keep all your opinions on politics and religion to yourself! Its the polite thing to do because it only just starts more shit... I am a pretty open minded person and I respect other's opinions, as long as you aren't hurting anyone you can the think whatever the hell you want. Just don't be trying to push it on everyone, specially me. I do understand where people are coming from with all this, but shit destroying shit ain't gonna help any. It may get attention yeah but we need more than that to do anything about it. We need more people who are actually willing to do more than just stand there with a sign and bitch right? But hey what do I know, I'm just another lazy ass American with all these hopes and dreams about the world becoming a different place...
Thank you and goodnight.

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