Some Quotes

"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream"

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Ok can somebody please explain something to me? How can anybody just want to illegalize abortion without doing the same for war, animal testing or the killing of any animal, be it for food or sport? I just don't get it. How is any life more important than another? Who even has the right to decide this? Why can we justify killing some and not others? It makes no sense to me. So it's perfectly ok to go to war and kill thousands of innocent people, adults and children, just because the leaders don't agree, but God forbit if you abort an unborn life? What's the difference? Why do people go to prison for life if they kill people but not if they kill animals? Why can we kill animals for population control when we as a species are so overpopulated we have to keep destroying every inch of the earth just to make room for more of us? Why don't we put down people who hurt animals but we put down animals who hurt people? A life is a life no matter how different. Animals have feelings too, they can think, they can love and they can hate. It's been proven, but they can't have rights? Even if they have done no harm? Even people in prison have rights. I don't see how any of this is fair. Somehow we can abolish the death penalty for serial killers because taking a life is inhumane, yet we do everyday. Because killing is only bad unless it's war? Why do terrorist get to die but not prisoners? We kill rats because they are "pests" then why aren't serial killers pests? We can experiment on innocent animals, even if it's torture, in the name of science but we can't do it on people? Even if they are death row prisoners and deserve it more than that poor little animal? But no, that would be inhumane. Yet can torture people for information if we think they might be terrorists. Again, what's the difference? Why is it ok for us to eat animals but not for animals to eat us? The government or who ever is in charge let's us kill and torture other people when it bennifits them, when it is convenient for them, but not when it is so for us?

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